Al Morris Transformation Lead, This is Milk What we learned at the 'Jobs of the future' MilkBar event, March 2018.If one thing was learned from our #MilkBar event last week, it’s that STEM, should really be STEAM. With the 'A' representing the arts!
We are living in the 'Age of Information', a period of time that is characterised by the shift from industrial production to one based on information and computerisation (Wikipedia). Nearly all business's are digital, or at least partly digital. So as time progresses how is this computerisation impacting Business and the roles/skills of the workers? Bringing together some of the top minds in Scottish Digital Transformation, This is Milk held the first #MilkBar of 2018 at Tontine Glasgow on the 16th of March. An event created to educate & discuss the topic 'Jobs of the Future'.
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Al MorrisTransformation Lead
Today (08/03/18) is International Women's Day, and to mark the occasion, our Managing Director Angela did a Facebook live video to discuss the This is Milk brand, where the colours came from, and why we won't be removing the colour Pink from our brand colours.
What's in a colour?
Way back at the start of This is Milk our founders sat down with the task of choosing the colours that would represent our brand in a traditionally corporate landscape of blues, greys, blacks...dull... boring... yawn .. .. .. .. .. .. sorry, we nodded off for a second there! Now come on, why does corporate have to mean boring?
Well it doesn't and we relished at the opportunity to buck the trend, stand out, and more importantly create a brand that represents who we were as people as well as professionals. Why does corporate have to mean boring?
Creating the This is Milk brand was both painstaking and liberating, allowing us to build a brand that the whole team could get behind, be a part of and be proud of. It stands for progressiveness, empowerment and a vision to bring a new age of consultancy to the Scottish market.
but... there are some people that just don't like us using the colour PINK! It's too feminine, it's too delicate, it's not a colour that the corporate world wants to associate with.
Well this is exactly what Angela has to say about that!
From Angela:
"I would love for you to have a watch, share, discuss this topic, and even come talk to me! Let's all work towards a world where we're human - whatever that means to you." The science behind the colour
If you would like to dive deeper into the world of colour, here is a fantastic blog taking you through the psychological meaning of the colour Pink.
It's a colour of compassion, understanding and insight. It's empathetic and hopeful. It is a positive colour inspiring warm and comforting feelings and a sense that everything will be okay. Sounds exactly like This is Milk! International Women's Day
"Now, more than ever, there's a strong call-to-action to press forward and progress gender parity. There's a strong call to #PressforProgress motivating and uniting friends, colleagues and whole communities to think, act and be gender inclusive."
International Women's Day is a call to arms for accelerating gender parity. The campaign this year is asking you to take action and Press for progress in the world of business. By committing to a gender parity mindset we can accelerate change and empower equality across the world.
This is Milk are proud to lead the way in gender parity, with a business that treats everyone as equals, as humans and will continue to strive for change in the workplace.
For more on This is Milk and the above topic we recommend you check out these two blogs: Raising a baby and a business How to kick-start your dream business How to build a string brand strategy Thanks for reading and be sure to comment or even share.
(Blog first published 08/03/2018)
December 2024