By: Joe Triccas, Product Manager, Neve For a long time, I have been left in awe at the great work mental health charities like Samaritans do to help people in difficult times.
Whilst it's not a long-term solution, having someone who doesn't know you to just talk at helps lighten the load and clear your head. I'm not sure I'd ever be able to work on the phones myself (too many years of customer service roles early in my working life), so the least I could do is help raise funds for Samaritans!
There are countless leadership books that can help build psychological safety in your business. The team here at This is Milk have selected three titles that highlight the importance of psychological safety which help high performance leadership and deliver a happy, healthy mindset at work.
By: Angela Prentner-Smith, Founder and MD of This is Milk Part two of my book review blog covers two books about equalities and change that I would recommend.
One of the key elements of building success in your team is for every single member to feel psychologically safe. Results from an ambitious internal research project undertaken by Google in 2012 showed that the most important dynamic of effective teams was the existence of psychological safety. But what is psychological safety and why is it of benefit to your business?First let’s remind ourselves that psychological safety refers to the belief that you can speak up and express yourself without having to fear negative consequences.
In a business team context this has been best defined by Amy C. Edmondson, Novartis Professor of Leadership and Management at Harvard Business School. By: Angela Prentner-Smith, Founder and MD of This is Milk The first book is Donut Economics by Kate Raworth.
December 2024