Prior to a number of weeks ago, it was found that 70% of working professionals spent at least 1 day a week working remotely (IWG), with 53% working at least half of the week out of the office.
Remote working is not a new term, however it has been thrust into spotlight in recent weeks with many now forced into their homes for an unknown length of period trying to make the best out of this difficult situation. Make no mistake, for many, working from home (remotely) is not an easy transition or something that they are even set up for. Many have no desks at which to sit, poor lighting maybe, potentially children running around mad, not to even mention the isolation from colleagues and friends. It is understandable that this challenge for many, has been nothing if not, well challenging. (Click 'Read More' to watch video recording of our 'Remote Working & Facilitation' session)
December 2024