Design.Customers should be the driving force behind everything a business does. Understanding their needs, behaviours and problems are essential to design effective products and services. We offer:
Research.Research underpins everything we do at This is Milk. We believe research is the bedrock of change, innovation and good business decisions. We offer:
Strategy.Change cannot happen in isolation, it requires a deep understanding of cause & effect, system structure, people management, skill development, risk understanding and change implementation. We can strategically help you navigate and implement this change, resulting in a well-executed transformation cycle. Our services include:
Culture.Culture eats strategy for breakfast according to Pete Drucker. We offer bespoke cultural change consultancy to organisations at every stage of growth and in every sector. We work with you to understand, define and implement cultural change in a way that aligns to your organisation’s needs.
Training, Skills & Capability.
This is Milk Training.This is Milk has a training arm which runs both short courses and longer programmes for individuals and businesses. The focus is skills for the future:
- problem solving; - creativity; - judgement; - curiosity; - facilitation and empathy to name a few. Get in touch to discuss your training needs. |
Psychological Safety Indexing. |
Diversity and Inclusion. |
This is Milk highly values the concept of Psychological Safety. It's important for employees to feel safe within work to better engage with the team and customers.
Diversity drives creativity and innovation. It encourages the search for novel information and perspectives, leading to better decision making and problem solving.
Our partner for inclusive learning.We’ve partnered with Neve Learning to provide training through their inclusive and accessible learning platform, offering a flexible hybrid delivery approach.