By: Al Morris, Head of Client Services at This is Milk Al MorrisHead of Client Services, This is Milk This article was originally published in 2018, and updated in 2022. Covid-19 expedited digital change within organisations. This forced companies to implement digital transformation. The Impact of culture on Digital Transformation Company culture is a term that is often heard when advertising a business to prospective employees, however the implications of culture run deeper than the perks of a job. As we move towards a world that adapts and changes at break neck speeds to the needs of the customer, it is essential that the culture of your business matches your transformative qualities. It is no longer enough to strive for fun, friendly & Pizza Tuesdays. Digital transformation requires a level of commitment to change that allows the transformation to progress quickly and naturally. Research from Boston Consulting Group found that 79% of companies tested that addressed culture change sustained strong performance, this compared to 0% for those that neglected culture change. (40 companies tested) Here is another one. In 2016 84% of Companies Failed At Digital Transformation Forbes Magazine So what does this mean? Well in essence, digital transformation is no simple task. It's not like flicking a switch and bang your business has been transformed. As you well know, a business is a living thing and for change to happen it must be driven by the people within. Company CultureSome company cultures aid change, by focusing on learning, adaptability and the challenging of ideas. However culture does not only exist on one level, it exists both company wide & within the individual teams that make up the business. There are some job roles that you just expect to be dependable and the same as always. Think of pay role for instance, how adaptable and ever changing do you want them to be. Not so much, we just want paid on time, every time. With so much change going on, who's holding steady, who's keeping everybody in some sort of line and how does this department or person feel when change is thrust upon them? When working with internal or resistant cultures it's essential to have full buy from everyone. It can help to follow the below steps:
There is no getting away from the fact that we all must change. The company that recognises this, and adopts this into their culture is one that will win. (Blog first published 14/05/2018) 2022 UpdateCovid expedited digital change within organisations by imposing restrictions. This forced companies to allow employees to work from home and implement digital transformation. The big issue employers were faced with at the beginning of the pandemic was how to ease the stress of the situation and ensure everything could still function and still provide good quality services to their clients. We’ll take a look at how some companies were successful in adapting to digital transformation and how others struggled. Companies that succeededCompanies that successfully adapted to the changes made digital tools available for their employees and trusted them to do their work independently. They listened to their employees’ concerns and said how can we make your life easier; how can we help you to do your job from a remote location? Organisations that provided their employees with the proper digital tools reduced the stress on their workers and still provided good quality services and worked their way throughout the pandemic with relative ease. Now with the coronavirus pandemic seemingly over, organisations that have implemented these digital tools are not returning to the office. They're embracing hybrid working. Doing hybrid work allows you to get the benefits of coworking, being together in collaborative working with the comfort of being at home, and the flexibility that gives people empowerment. It gives people the chance to lead lives outside of their work. While some companies will eventually go back to rigid work-in-office policies, it's expected that some will realize the benefits to employees and that in fact, it can be done effectively. Forbes Magazine Companies that struggledThe companies that struggled were those that imposed ludicrous apps and tracking measurements. Some companies require computer tracking applications: Which spy on your screen and check to see if you are moving your mouse and typing, as a way of identifying whether somebody is working or not. Those digital changes will not sustain themselves because the workforce no longer feels valued. They feel distrusted by the employer and by having a workforce that does not trust you; will not be very good for innovation. All the benefits that would come as a result of working from home no longer exist in this environment. They must be at their workstation on time. They can’t work at their own pace. They don't get the flexibility of being able to go away and do school runs or able to answer the door. So, the employees and these companies might be better off working in the office. 2022 update written by Alex McPhail in collaboration with Al Morris (Blog originally published 21/03/18)
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